News: SUPER VIII paper in press (Tozzi et al. 2024)
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SUPER (SINFONI Survey for Unveiling the Physics and the Effect of Radiative feedback) is a SINFONI Large Program at VLT. It consists of 280 hours of SINFONI observations in LGS Seeing Enhancer mode to reach a spatial resolution of 1 kpc at z~2.
The program is designed to perform high-resolution, spatially-resolved spectroscopy of multiple emission lines (Hb, [OIII], Ha) of a carefully selected sample of ~40 AGNs. The science goals of the survey are:
- A systematic study of the occurrence of outflows in AGN host galaxies and their link with the physical properties of the host and the SMBH
- Map AGN ionised outflows morphology using [OIII] on kpc scale and constrain their impact on star-formation
- Investigate the variation of outflow properties as a function of the host galaxy location in the SFR-Mstar plane

In addition, we are conducting a systematic follow-up with ALMA (Cycle-4, Cycle-5, Cycle-6) to characterise the molecular gas and dust properties of the host galaxies.